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House in the woods - Jayson Tobias.jpg


Jayson Tobias began his pursuit in the arts at a young age with great influence from his mother who is an art educator. From her he garnered a strong exposure to images and works that contained prism like colors which one can see have had a prominent influence on Jayson's palette.


Age 9

Jayson Tobias

High School Superlative: "Having artwork displayed throughout the school is a tremendous privilege. Familiar to this honor, Alison Forbes and Jayson Tobias were selected most artistic."

Since 2018, Jayson has held two solo shows and more recently was featured in the Grounds and Garden's Exhibit at the Lockwood Mansion in Norwalk CT.

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Today Jayson resides in New York City with his wife Genna and is exploring the amazing inspiration and art the City has to offer.

Emerald Tango and Birthday Bash - Jayson
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